Patient Experience


Scoliosis Q&A with Patient Eileen B 


1. When were you diagnosed with Scoliosis? How old were you?

  • At 12 yrs old, my girlfriend said I look crooked. My pants always looked lopsided and I thought it was from all the babysitting and kid-on-hip holding I was doing. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that I was officially diagnosed. Within a 5 year timeframe I went from 39° curvature to 72° curvature.

2. In which ways were you limited by scoliosis?

  • In every way! I couldn’t lie flat, I was in pain all the time, and I could not lift much. I felt self-conscious and didn’t wear a swim-suit for many years.

3. How did you hear about Dr. Samuel Bederman?

  • I was volunteering at a local senior center and a retired attorney, and very smart man, told me that I had to go see Dr. Bederman. He had surgery by Dr. Bederman and he looked amazing. Now standing at 5’11”, you never would have known of his previously severe spinal condition. He raved about Dr. Bederman and I was sold. That day, I called Dr. Bederman’s office and scheduled an appointment.

4. How was Dr. Bederman set apart from other doctors you had worked with?

  • He is one of the only doctors who said that he could help me. There was one other surgeon who said they’d be willing to do surgery, but I didn’t know very much about him. I had a raving fan review from a retired attorney about Dr. Bederman, so it was a no-brainer.

5. When did you have your surgery and how is your pain and function post-operatively?

  • My surgery was on Feb 6th & 7th 2018; it was a 2-day surgery. My back does not hurt at all. All of my pain used to be on the right side of my body, and now I have NO MORE PAIN. I have some occasional pain on the left side of my tail bone, but that’s nothing.

6. What can you do now that you couldn’t do before your surgery?

  • The best part is that I look and feel freaking great! I can wear my bikini again! I don’t have to wear baggy clothes. I have a torso again. Before my surgery I was 5’3” and now I stand tall at 5’6”. My life just feels so much better. I turn 58 yrs old this November and I feel like I am in my 30’s.

7. What would you tell another patient who is contemplating having this surgery?

  • Go to Dr. Bederman. I have given his name and number to so many people. He can fix you.




Scoliosis Patient Steven L.


Before the surgery, I could not walk 100 feet without being overcome with pain. Now I seem to have no limits. I’ve done this hike in Ventura twice so far. Over five miles and 1300 feet elevation gain. Thank you Dr. Bederman, I am ever so grateful to know a life without pain. 


-Steven L.



  • Before

  • After


Restore Orthopedics and Spine Center
1120 West La Veta Avenue, Suite 300
Orange, CA 92868
Phone: 714-598-1745
Fax: (714) 941-9539

Office Hours

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